Graduating from National Health Corps Florida

Posted on: August 13, 2018Florida

As the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps term comes to a close, I am suddenly bombarded with a variety of emotions. I am surprised by how quickly time has passed since our program started last year, proud of the people I’ve impacted through service, grateful to have bonded with my wonderful friends and peers, glad of our fun adventures, and sad to leave everything behind. Although I will be leaving Jacksonville, I am taking with me all the lessons, experiences, and memories I have made here.

Through serving at my clinic, I have learned a great deal about healthcare, received training on medical procedures, connected with patients through health workshops and assistance programs, and observed our providers’ passion for community outreach to homeless patients. The kindness and empathy shown by the staff and patients inspire me to continue serving my global community next year through the International Medical Aid in Kenya.

Furthermore, through our monthly service projects, we have experienced a variety of volunteering opportunities, ranging from horse therapy to community gardens. We learned to cooperate and communicate as a team, growing closer together as a result. The only complaint we had regarding the service projects was that they weren’t frequent enough. Thus, we often volunteered additional free time at the numerous organizations available in Jacksonville, such as Saint Francis Soup Kitchen and Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital. Seeing everyone’s passion provided a continuous motivation to serve.

Finally, I am honored to have bonded with my fellow Americorps members. We have learned from each other’s experiences and supported each other throughout the term. I have become a more well-rounded person because our interactions.

Finishing my service year comes with a bittersweet feeling, as I must say goodbye to the amazing people I have met. I am thankful for the skills I have learned and will cherish all our adventures and memories.

This blog post was written by NHC FL AmeriCorps Alum, Gaibo Yan.

Gaibo served at I.M. Sulzbacher as a Patient Navigator.