
Posted on: June 2, 2015Pittsburgh

Since its inception in 1994 the Pittsburgh Health Corps (PgHC) has been managed through the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD). Both PgHC members and ACHD benefit from this innovative relationship; future public health leaders are able to develop important, competency-based skills while helping to carry out the goals and objectives of the health department. While serving at their host sites PHC members connect with community members and provide direct service in an effort to increase access to care and social services, and provide health education to underserved populations throughout the county.

Our members’ service aligns directly with the new Plan for a Healthier Allgeheny (PHA) at the Health Department. The top five PHA priorities are: 1) Access to Healthcare, 2) Chronic Disease Health Risk Behaviors, 3) Environment, 4) Maternal and Child Health, and 5) Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

Our eighteen members are already attacking these PHA priorities from many angles. They are teaching county residents about chronic disease management, how to access services and help them enroll in health management programs. Many of our members are helping uninsured and underinsured families and individuals gain access to health care by signing them up for health insurance and prescription assistance programs. They are helping to keep country residents healthy by getting people to see their primary care physicians, helping them access specialty care, and making sure that children are up to date on vaccines. Our members are also striving to combat food insecurity among the county’s most affected populations.    

In addition, through their service, our members are able to extend the reach of the health department by making an impact among the county’s most underserved and vulnerable populations. They work with the homeless, uninsured, underinsured, immigrants, non-English speaking, mothers and children, youth, and residents with mental health issues.
Since our members started in early September they have reached at least 14,602 residents. Based on the numbers seen below, it is evident how hard our members have been working to foster a healthy community!

Health Corps Activities

As the program director working at the health department I’m able to see the big picture; to see the impact my members are making on their community and how this aligns with the goals of the health department. I’m continually impressed by my members and how they are able to reach as many people as they do. They serve in challenging environments with little resources. They also serve with lots of compassion and a genuine desire to help others. It is inspiring to be a part of this program and to see the motivation and dedication my members have towards improving health in their community as they serve every day at their host sites. I’m proud that I can state that my members are making a difference in the lives of those they reach.

Annie Nagy is the Program Director of the Pittsburgh Health Corps (she rocks)