Valley In Motion fosters community and quality of life in the Lackawanna Valley. 

VIM leads broad coalitions to improve local community well-being, improve walking and bicycle infrastructure, paint murals, and facilitate community dialogues. We’re leading a collaborative effort to make our region a Blue Zone, an area of exceptional health and wellness where the healthy choice is the easy choice for all residents. 

The Connell Park neighborhood of Scranton is a geographically isolated, low income section of South Scranton. The median income for census block that includes Connell Park is $22,000; 41 percent live below the federal poverty line. Service providers at the area's three public housing developments cite obesity, inactivity, and chronic health conditions as common. A food desert, the closest grocery store is over a mile away over steep hills. The area needs safe and equitable access to parks and recreation. Streets often are missing sidewalks. Informal paths cross the neighborhood, but are unlit, unmaintained, and impassable for those with a stroller or mobility issues. 


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