Angela ZhangBack to Member List

Angela Zhang

What are you most looking forward to this service year?

This service term will be one unlike any other due to covid! Therefore, I'm very excited to see how NHC Chicago as well as my host site adapts and challenges previous practices to find newer and better methods. I'm also looking forward to how I can play an impact in this unsettling time for the vulnerable populations around me. Hello to the age of telehealth!

What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?

I have a strong passion for medicine and therefore have aspirations to go to medical school with my eyes set on ophthalmology (pun intended!). I'm hoping that my service year with NHC Chicago will further fuel this flame of passion for medicine and open my eyes to the public health side of medicine.

I'm interested in learning about...

I have a keen interest in the field of mental health that I want to learn more about in addition to the barriers that patients fight to receive the health care they deserve.

Educational Background:

Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M, College Station, TX.

