Jennifer RenBack to Member List

Hometown: Pleasanton, CA
Educational background: B.S. Human Biology and B.S. Social Psychology from UC San Diego
What is your title and role at your host site? I will be serving as Care Coordinator. My role in this position is to assist and refer patients to community services and resources depending on their individual needs. I will also be following up with each patient’s progress to ensure that they are receiving and continuing the care that they need. In addition, I will be providing health and wellness education both in group and individual formats to patients about being a good health consumer, developing and teaching curriculum from Narcan usage to nutrition and exercise to accessing social services. Beyond these, I will also be facilitating recreational activities for patients such as arts and crafts, sports, gardening, and more.
Why did you join the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program?
I’ve always believed that health care is more than receiving treatment for ailments—it includes promoting healthy lifestyles even outside of hospitals or treatment centers through access to community services or health education. As someone aspiring to be a physician, I want to incorporate that in my future practice of medicine. I joined the National Health Corps because I would have the opportunity to not only be a direct resource to patients and assist them with their needs, but also learn about what is available in the community to do so whether it be food assistance programs, health education, housing, and more. With the National Health Corps, I would be able to not only engage with members of the community but also gain important skills and knowledge to continue to do so throughout my life.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
Throughout my year of service, I hope to learn more about needs in the community as well as gain a deeper knowledge of programs and services that are available to address these needs. I am also hoping to gain experience and expand my skills in health education so that I can implement them into a career in medicine in the future. I am hoping to connect with the community in a meaningful way and contribute both now and in the future.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
I plan on attending medical school after my AmeriCorps service.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I see myself finishing medical school and in a residency program, continuing to engage with and help those in the community.