Lana Herrmann Back to Member List

Lana Herrmann

What are you most looking forward to this service year?

This service term, I am looking forward to learning more about the patient populations that Erie's Clinics serve and about the health needs of the City of Chicago. By hearing my patients' stories, I hope to learn how to better serve these populations and how to combine medicine and public health action to treat the whole person.

What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?

I plan to become a physician with a Master's in Public Health, focusing serving on underserved patient populations. I am passionate about increasing access to quality healthcare for all, so I hope to work in communities, both in the US and globally, to address unmet health needs.

I'm interested in learning about...

I am excited to explore all aspects of public health work, but I am especially interested in learning more about public health policy-making and implementation. I am also interested in learning more about substance abuse programs and how they interact with medical settings.

Educational Background:

Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Human Health from Emory University

