Spencer RobinsonBack to Member List

Spencer lived in Boston and South Orange NJ up until he was seven years old but spent the rest of his childhood through high school living in Shanghai, China. His family is mostly based in California. Spencer joined the San Francisco AmeriCorps program to learn how local government and community-based organizations develop health interventions that address health disparities in communities of color and other marginalized communities. Spencer wanted to support community partners to serve health needs around food access as well as COVID-19. Spencer’s research in college was focused on biotechnology driven solutions that he realized would do little to address the issues of food justice, environmental justice and health equity, so he is excited to work directly on these issues with SF’s National Health Corps. Spencer hopes to do a small part to make healthy and joyous relationships with food accessible to black and brown folks who face barriers to healthy food access. In doing so, he looks forward to building strong relationships with health clinic staff, patients and all our other Food Pharmacy partners. Spencer loved doing university research and seeks to use his experiences this year to perform community-engaged research that centers voices and helps build more just, healthy and sustainable communities.