Community Engagement and the National Health Corps

Posted on: August 22, 2017Chicago

My name is Alana Slavin and I will be serving as the Health Educator with Heartland Health Centers- Lincoln Square/Hibbard/APMA. I recently finished my tenure as a Fulbright Scholar in The Netherlands. As a Fulbright Scholar, I completed a Master of Science in Economics and pursued research in the realm of health economics. I received my Bachelor's Degrees in Economics and Spanish from Loyola Marymount University. After serving with National Health Corps Chicago (NHC Chicago), I plan to attend medical school. In the future, I hope to serve as a primary care physician that attends to the needs of the medically underserved. Moreover, I also hope to engage in the policy arena. I aspire to utilize policy to ameliorate health inequities, particularly through establishing infrastructures for the provision of primary care services to the medically underserved.

I am most looking forward to the community engagement opportunities inherent to serving with NHC Chicago. Whether through serving at free clinics, volunteering in the Chicago community, or networking with healthcare practitioners, NHC provides ample opportunities for members to engage with the community. Working with the medically underserved has always played an important role in my life, and my experiences with marginalized populations in the healthcare sector have motivated me to become a physician. Beyond volunteering, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, biking, and cuddling dogs.

This blog post was written by NHC Chicago 2017-18 member Alana Slavin.

Avanthi will be a Health Educator at Heartland Health Center- Lincoln Square/Hibbard/APMA.