From NHC Philly to NHC Chicago

Posted on: July 20, 2016Chicago


My name is Josh Finkel and I'm super excited to be serving with National Health Corps (NHC) Chicago! I'm about to finish a term of service with the NHC Philadelphia and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to do it again! However, I also wanted to change it up and get a new experience, so I decided to head to Chicago. In 2015, I graduated from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as a math major. I just applied to medical school and I hope to enroll after my NHC Chicago term of service. I'm looking forward to learning even more this year, developing new skills, and making new friends! With NHC Philadelphia, I spent the majority of my time making appointments and enrolling patients in my health center's Patient Portal. As a NHC Chicago Vision Promoter at Illinois Eye Institute at Princeton Elementary School, I'm excited to get a different experience and learn more about vision, which is something I don't have much experience with.

Outside of service, I have a bunch of random interests and hobbies. I enjoy listening to music and I hosted a radio show once a week in college. My favorite hobbies are playing the guitar and piano, and juggling. I'm super obsessed with juggling and I can actually juggle knives. I also love hanging with friends and being adventurous. I look forward to all the new adventures that Chicago has in store for me!


This blog post was written by incoming NHC Chicago 2016-17 member Josh Finkel.

Josh looks forward to serving as a Vision Promoter at Illinois Eye Institute at Princeton Elementary School.