Emily YanoshakBack to Member List

Educational background: B.S. in Biology/Neuroscience from Schreyer Honors College at Penn State University with a Minor in Global Health.
What is your title and role at your host site?
As the Diabetes Quality Improvement Assistant at UMPC Shadyside Family Health Center, I help counsel patients in both individual and group settings on diabetes management strategies. I also assist our residents with novel and ongoing quality improvement projects within the clinic.
Why did you join AmeriCorps/National Health Corps?
I joined the National Health Corps because service is an integral part of my life and I wanted to use my gap year to learn more about our nation’s healthcare system. I also thought the National Health Corps would be a great way to apply what I have learned in my global health courses to real life circumstances. Finally, as a rural native, I believe my time in Pittsburgh will allow me to gain a better understanding of urban health disparities.
What are you hoping to gain from your year of service?
During this year, I hope to learn more about the barriers that individuals face when navigating the healthcare system. More importantly, I want to learn what I can do on an individual level to minimize these disparities. As a future physician intending to practice in underserved areas, I believe having a deep understanding of the Social Determinants of Health is crucial to providing comprehensive and holistic care to my future patients.
What are your plans after AmeriCorps service?
I am currently in the process of applying to medical school with plans to pursue a dual degree in public health.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I plan to be finishing medical school and getting ready for residency. As of now I am primarily interested in surgery and practicing medicine with a global health perspective. However, I look forward to learning about all aspects of medicine!