5 Great Things About NHC Philadelphia They WON’T Tell You

Posted on: March 14, 2016Philadelphia

5. You get to learn a lot

Each Member Meeting, our Professional Development team puts together an informative presentation or brings in speakers to teach us about ways we can apply skills we’re learning during this year of service in our future careers. In the past, we’ve had a resume workshop, a credit information session and more. Learning how to market this year as a stepping stone to a future of service has been invaluable and something not often offered outside of AmeriCorps.

4. And after that, more learning!

There are so many cool things to do around Philadelphia, especially since there are some top notch universities here. Our Learning Committee is dedicated to looking for opportunities for us to expand our knowledge of the city and the public health field. We get to listen to renowned panelists speak about public health issues in Philly specifically and participate in networking events for people in the medical and service sectors. These events also often have free food - a major plus! #StipendLiving

3. Everybody love us

I mean, did you read that letter President Obama Wrote to AmeriCorps? Being a part of a program that has outlets across the country, as National Health Corps and as AmeriCorps, has been such an honor. We’re national recognized as a building block for future changemakers. Even our new Mayor Kenney wants to thank us at his upcoming Day of Recognition on April 5th.
Civic engagement is a big part of becoming part of the fabric of Philadelphia and NHC does it well!

2. Philadelphians are the best

We get to meet a lot of natives not just in our regular host site service, but in our outside service events as well. We get to become a familiar face to those that frequent the meal serve, Grace Cafe on Sunday nights and come to events that are held every year like Rubyes Kids. NHC members are regulars on the service circuit here in Philly and that means meeting a lot of different people from a lot of different backgrounds and sharing stories with them. It’s a privilege to be let into the lives of the people we serve. What can I say, Philadelphians are the best people.

1. Actually, NHC members are the best

It’s true! I know I’ve made life long friends. This group of goofy, loving people take care of each other. Everyone inspires each other to be more motivated to give back.
All of the other things are great benefits to being a member, but really the best part is having wonderful people to serve with!

This blog post was written by NHC Philadelphia member Allison Schilling.
Allison serves as the Patient Advocate at Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Ambulatory Health Services: Health Center 9.