A Chat with PHC Alum, Marissa Patterson

Posted on: June 8, 2015Philadelphia

The Health Annex is a federally qualified health center, staffed by nurse practitioners, that provides primary care to the underserved population in Southwest Philadelphia. Marissa Patterson began her service with the Philadelphia Health Corps (PHC) at the Health Annex from 2008-2009 as a Social Work Assistant. Her service as a PHC member has inspired her to become a Nurse Practitioner and return to the Health Annex. I sat down with Marissa at the end of the day last week to discuss her service term and how it has impacted her life.

Marissa grew up in Ohio and moved to Pennsylvania to attend Bryn Mawr College where she studied Biology. When Marissa joined Philadelphia Health Corps, she planned on using her year of service as a gap year before starting medical school. Throughout her undergraduate career, Marissa spent time shadowing physicians and participating in a research project that resulted in a research publication and presentation, but felt like she was just doing what she was supposed to be doing. During her year of service, Marissa observed the primary care practices of the Nurse Practitioners at the Health Annex. While interviewing for medical school, Marissa spoke mostly about her connections to the nurse practitioners at the Health Annex and realized her growing interestĀ  in primary care.She realised that she wanted to be more involved in the longitudinal continual care of a patient and less involved in a specialized short term care. From that point on, Marissa has continued to beĀ  more interested in a holistic approach to health care in a primary setting with a connection to the local community. Marissa decided to turn down her medical school acceptances and pursue a career as a nurse practitioner.

After the completion of her term of service, Marissa spent another year at the Health Annex. Marissa took on the role of HIV care coordinator and ran the male family planning program. While her days were spent with patient care, Marissa attended night classes to complete her nursing prerequisites. From 2010-2011, Marissa completed an accelerated nursing program at John Hopkins University. She then obtained her nurse practitioners education and training at Yale University from 2011-2013. After her graduation, Marissa worked at a family practice facility and Planned Parenthood. In March 2015, Marissa returned to the Health Annex because she liked the comprehensive care center and environment. Marissa feels that community health is easier when there is a center with multiple services offered. Marissa credits her service time with providing her the exposure to other health related careers. Her best advice to current and future members is to keep and open mind because what you think you want to do might not be the best for you.

This post was written by PHC member Rebecca Simon.
Rebecca serves with the Family Practice & Counseling Network - Health Annex as a Health & Benefits Advocate.