Elisabeth Randles: Read about her most favorite moments/places during her service year in Pittsburgh and her advice for incoming members

Posted on: June 17, 2014Pittsburgh

What was your most memorable moment while serving at your site? Could you briefly describe it?
As I was readying cooking demonstration supplies on the street curb, a boy who had been at several of my demonstrations waved to me and asked me what I was making that day. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me. I felt as though I had been accepted by that boy as an ally. As an outsider, having moved to Pittsburgh to join the Health Corps, being recognized by this boy and others on the street or at demonstrations helped me to feel as though I was making a difference in the communities I reached in my service year, supporting them in ways they found meaningful and relevant.

What advice would you give to incoming PHC members?
As you enter your service year, consider keeping a journal. Some days, you may like using it to vent, but you will be surprised how many days you will want to use it to record the good people and happenings this year brings you. Journal your goals for your service year; goals that reflect why you chose to enter AmeriCorps. When the year challenges you, which it undoubtedly will, having a journal that helps you remember those moments that brought you pride, the people who make your service worthwhile, and the reasons you are at your site will power you through!

Being an out-of-state PHC member, what did you enjoy most about the city of Pittsburgh?
I love the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. I love being able to walk from one to another, enjoying the differences of each within a mile or two. I love their common grounds too, especially the Carnegie Libraries. I have never enjoyed a better library system - one with community gardens, great efficiency, wholehearted children and teen programming, dedicated employees, and beautiful facilities. I think they are a fantastic resource, both in and out of service.