Health Education in Chicago

Posted on: September 7, 2016Chicago

Hello! My name is Georgia Hutchins, and I am very excited to serve with National Health Corps Chicago. I just graduated in May with a BA in Biology from Boston University. My interest in pursuing a job in the field of public health began when I had an internship with health education at a school in Guatemala, during the summer after my junior year of college. Since then, I have had my heart set on serving with AmeriCorps! I am looking forward to working with Erie Family Health Center at West Town and Humboldt Park. I am excited to work with the people of Chicago, as I am not from the area. As a health educator, I hope to gain experience and confidence working with the various different health issues that affect the people in the communities that I will serve in.

Outside of service, my interests include traveling, learning languages, eating, and reading. I love the challenge of living in a new area that is unfamiliar to me, so I cannot wait to explore Chicago! I also love to spend my free time reading and relaxing in parks. I have noticed online that there are many parks in Chicago, so I look forward to finding these hidden gems!


This blog post was written by NHC Chicago 2016-17 member Georgia Hutchins.

Georgia serves Health Educator at Erie Family Heatlh Center - West Town/Humboldt Park.