Posted on: March 27, 2024Central California Leadership Corps

NHC Central California presents Alejandra Munoz, the Referrals Coordination Manager at Clinica Sierra Vista in Bakersfield.

NHC CC members, Julie Sarmiento & Natalie Gonzalez look up to Alex on their memorable service year and would like to share her story on her journey in the healthcare field.

“I was searching for a clerical position during college and knew I wanted to work with my community. I knew Clinica Sierra Vista had different non-medical programs that I could potentially work in. I was not interested then in anything medical and always believed medical was mostly nurses and doctors. I was not called back for the positions I interviewed for but received a call from the recruitment department at Clinica Sierra Vista who offered an interview for the referral coordinator position. I agreed since I was told it was a desk job but believed I would not be hired as I had no medical background. I interviewed with the Director of Nursing and to my surprise, I was offered the position. I have come to the realization that healthcare is vast and has many different pieces that make this system work.”“I believe a major challenge is the different types of populations we serve. There are many different Socioeconomic barriers they face with navigating the healthcare system. Currently, we are strategizing in revamping our contact method process, but it is not a one-size-fits-all model. We take into consideration the different types of patients we serve and their needs/barriers whether it is language, age, and use of technology.”

“Anytime a referral is not worked on with the correct follow-up timeframes, patients rightfully get upset. It is my duty to de-escalate and resolve the issue. In one scenario, a patient’s parent was extremely upset that the patient was not receiving the services they needed. Every time we spoke with the parent, it was difficult to communicate with them, and deterred some of the staff from speaking with the parent. I spoke with the parent and explained what we needed from them to process the referral and the results of not having the necessary items to be able to move forward.”

#nationalhealthcorps #Americorps #NHCCentralCalifornia #ClinicaSierraVista #Bakersfield #Applynow

About the Author:

Julie Sarmiento

Pronouns: She/Her

Host Site: Clinica Sierra Vista

Position Title: Referral Coordinator

Where are you from? 

I was born in Van Nuys, CA. I moved to Bakersfield, California when I was 5 years old and have been living here since then so I consider it my home.

Why did you decide to join NHC? 

Natalie Gonzalez

Pronouns: She/Her

NHC Program: National Health Corps

Host Site: Clinica Sierra Vista

Position Title: Referral Coordinator

Where are you from? 

I was born in Ventura, California, and grew up in Santa Paula. I moved to Bakersfield with my parents when I was four years old and have stayed ever since.

Why did you decide to join NHC?

Host Site

2000 Physicians Blvd.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
2000 Physicians Blvd.
Bakersfield, CA 93301