Posted on: June 9, 2023Chicago

“I initially got interested in legal aid work after I began volunteering with a refugee resettlement agency in college to assist with their youth program and do a long-term cultural companionship program with a family, helping them access different kinds of services like applying for affordable housing, getting English tutoring, and applying for jobs. This inspired me to become a paralegal after college and work with low income, marginalized individuals in eviction court in New York, where I helped them navigate their case, get rental emergency help, and get on rent subsidy programs so they don’t get evicted. My natural next step was to go to law school to continue this line of work as an attorney, and I’ve been at Legal Council for Health Justice (LCHJ) since completing law school! My favorite thing about working at LCHJ has been the opportunity to work directly with clients in a meaningful way. I also love that our organization is more community oriented than many in this field, as we have developed a community council with patients in the South Side and are beginning to do more public education presentations for clients. I have found great fulfillment working at LCHJ and using the medical-legal partnership model to bring services to vulnerable populations in places that are easily accessible to them.”


About the Author:

Stutee Acharya

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Position Title: Special Populations Community, Client, and Partner Liaison 

Where are you from? Tampa, FL

Why did you decide to join NHC? To learn more about the social determinants of health and how it plays out in real life

What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term? Interpersonal skills that allow me to communicate with people of a wide range of backgrounds

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Chicago, IL 60602
17 N. State St.
Chicago, IL 60602