It All Starts with Eyes

Posted on: May 2, 2017Chicago

I sit in the back of the class.
I can't see the board.
I don't understand what the teacher is saying.
I come home frustrated and sad.
I can't do my homework.
I am falling behind.
I can't play catch.
I don't like going to school.
I can't see so I can't learn.


I get my eyes checked.
I pick out my glasses.
I can't wait till they arrive.
I embrace my new four-eyes.
I wear them every day.
I can see the board.
I understand.
I come home excited and happy.
I finish my homework.
I am excelling.
I can play catch.
I love going to school.
I can see, so I can learn.

It all starts with eyes.

This blog post was written by NHC Chicago 2016-17 member Madeline Engeler.

Madeline is a Vision Promoter at the Illinois Eye Institute at CPS Princeton School.