Jennifer McNaboe

Posted on: February 28, 2014Pittsburgh

What do you do at your site to provide quality health care for the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved populations?
The East Liberty Family Health Care Center is dedicated to making sure each self-pay patient’s eligibility is accessed for health benefits, including Medicaid, Medicare, the Affordable Care Act and SNAP. As a Pittsburgh Health Corps member and Social Services Coordinator at the center, I help patients enroll in health care coverage and help patients submit and follow up with their applications for other services, like SNAP. Also, if any patient falls in an insurance gap, I help place them on our sliding scale so that they are able to see our doctors at an affordable cost. This system drastically increases the number of people in our community that can get access to whole person health care and all of our diverse services.

What is your New Year's service resolution?
My New Year’s service resolution is to look beyond each patient’s insurance status and application submission and see if I can further assist patients by finding any other social services or resources for patients to use, in order to ultimately improve their overall health.