Member Spotlight: Amy Han

Posted on: June 5, 2013Pittsburgh

Name: Amy Han

From: Cleveland, Ohio

How you got involved in AmeriCorps this year: I decided to join the Pittsburgh Health Corps after hearing about AmeriCorps programs from my friends who chose to serve before attending graduate school or finding a job.

What you are doing at your site: I am currently serving at UPMC Shadyside Family Health Center as the Diabetes Quality Improvement Member. During my service year I have gained many valuable experiences interacting with patients with diabetes at my host site. Motivating patients to set achievable diet and exercise goals can be tough, but also rewarding when they come back to tell you that they’ve made significant changes or improved their health!

What have you learned: Collaborating with various health care professionals has taught me that a team approach is the key to successfully managing patients’ health. In addition, I’ve had opportunities to lead group education sessions, which have helped me refine my facilitation skills and motivational interviewing skills.

Life after AmeriCorps: As I prepare to start medical school in the fall, I can’t help but think how this year’s experiences will forever change the type of doctor I will be. The Pittsburgh Health Corps attracts extraordinary individuals with unique backgrounds and because of them I have matured tremendously this year. I cannot wait to see what incredible things my fellow members will accomplish after our year of service!