Posted on: June 9, 2020San Francisco

National Health Corps member, Neha Chhabra, blogs about her experience serving at the Silver Avenue Family Health Center to meet the dental needs of children.

 Hi! My name is Neha and I am serving as the Nutrition Educator and Program Assistant at the Silver Avenue Family Health Center. My position involves the coordination and scheduling of nutrition education sessions, and fluoride varnish for pre-kindergarten, transitional kindergarten, and sometimes kindergarten classes. Part of my position allows me to get direct exposure with patients by assisting the DPH hygienists in the placement of sealants on children’s molars. I come into PK classrooms to provide oral health and nutrition education. This presentation is designed to prepare students for their dental screening/fluoride varnish application or dental visits. It is also designed to discuss foods students should avoid eating, and foods that are good for their oral and holistic health. The goal of the presentation is to enhance the student’s knowledge of the importance of nutrition/healthy foods, and mitigate children’s fears of visiting a dental office.  Serving in this field allows me to gain insight on dental public health and contribute to my goals of being an emphatic dental clinician.

NHC SF AmeriCorps member Neha Chhabra getting her shirt pinned with the AmeriCorps Pin by Program Coordinator Nick Ragodos.