Q and A for future members!

Posted on: June 22, 2016Pittsburgh

Q. What areas of Pittsburgh are safe/affordable to live in/look for an apartment? #askNHCpgh
A. Shadyside, Oakland, Squirrel Hill, Friendship, Point Breeze #askNHCpgh

Q. Do most people apply for SNAP and is it a difficult process? #askNHCpgh
A. A majority of members do apply. There are several local organizations, including Just Harvest, that can help members with any problems that might arise in the application process. #askNHCpgh

Q. Is is possible to live comfortably with the stipend provided? #askNHCpgh
A.  Absolutely!! Especially with SNAP and other resources. #askNHCpgh

Q. What sorts of activities can members do for fun in the Pittsburgh area? #askNHCpgh
A. There are always free/low cost festivals and activities offered on the weekends (www.visitpittsburgh.com). Sometimes we even volunteer at events for free admission! #askNHCpgh

Q. Will I have opportunities to volunteer elsewhere and experience different host sites? #askNHCpgh
A. Yes! Several sites have volunteer opportunities available. You can also shadow members at other sites. www.pittsburghcares.org is another great resource. #askNHCpgh

The Corps volunteering at Global Links

Q.  What are some examples of service projects done monthly with the group? #askNHCpgh
A. We have done everything from cleaning graffiti off the city streets to weeding in community gardens. Just like the training days, we get to chose what we do for service each month! #askNHCpgh

Anna and Amy at a service project in a Hill District community garden

Q. Do members have any say on what kind of training we do at our monthly meetings? #askNHCpgh
A. Yes. A group of members is responsible for organizing the trainings, and they ask for input from all members.#askNHCpgh

Q. Is it easy to find optional hours opportunities if we get behind on hours? #askNHCpgh
A. Yes. There are many opportunities to volunteer at other host sites and organizations in the Pittsburgh community. Members often share opportunities they hear about for getting additional hours with the group.#askNHCpgh

Q. What was your favorite part of your service year? #askNHCpgh
A. Exploring both the public health field and the city of Pittsburgh, and of course, getting to know the other wonderful Health Corps members. #askNHCpgh

Q. What types of jobs/education opportunities do members move on to after the service year? #askNHCpgh
A. Many NHCP members go on to medical, physician’s assistant, and public health school. In addition, several members will pursue jobs. We’ve even had some members get hired by their host sites as employees. #askNHCpgh