Ready to Serve Chicago

Posted on: September 22, 2016Chicago

This upcoming year, I have the tremendous opportunity to serve as a National Health Corps Chicago member. In this capacity, I will serve at the Illinois Eye Institute at Princeton Elementary, a pediatric eye clinic meeting the vision needs of children throughout Chicago. I am so excited to combine my passion for medicine and working with children, in order to impact Chicago communities directly.

I am a recent graduate from Brandeis University where I was a double major in Biology and Health: Science Society and Policy with a minor in Chemistry. My passion for healthcare and dedication to helping others has led me to this incredible Chicago program. I have previously worked in a traumatic brain injury laboratory in Cleveland and a pediatric clinic in Boston. When I am not serving, you can typically find me reading a book, running, or playing volleyball. I'm most excited about exploring the many Chicago neighborhoods and eating deep dish pizza whenever possible. I am eagerly awaiting my year of service with National Health Corps Chicago and cannot wait to get started!

This blog post was written by NHC Chicago 2016-17 member Madeline Engeler.

Madeline Engeler serves as a Vision Promoter/Referral Coordinator at Illinois Eye Institute.