Posted on: August 21, 2015Florida

Looking back on my term with North Florida Health Corps, I reflect on all the things that have made this year the most fulfilling experience of my life. I recall the first day of pre-service orientation: walking into a quiet room filled with 21 other members and NFHC program staff, all of us complete strangers. My palms were sweating and I was anxious because I didn’t know what to expect. As we went around the room and introduced ourselves, I noticed that we all came from different locations and backgrounds. Even though we were all so different, most of us were new to the Jacksonville community and were there to make a difference through our service. After we broke the ice, I quickly felt a connection with the group.

One of my goals after graduating from Georgia Southern University was to move to a totally new place. I knew stepping outside of my element would help me develop interpersonal and professional skills that would be necessary for everyday life in the future. With this goal in mind, I applied to a variety of positions in surrounding states, but I felt that NFHC’s mission was the most compatible with my goals. Moving to a place where I didn't have any family or friends was disconcerting, but I soon began to develop the close friendships that made my year of service such a fulfilling experience. During my service term, I experienced a personal hardship that altered my ability to serve. Because my mom became very sick, I had to take an extended family medical leave in order to take care of her. During this misfortune, fellow Corps members and staff at my host site were very supportive. They mailed me many cards and even care packages, and their support helped me overcome the situation. Building a support system in my new city with other NFHC members and with Sulzbacher Center staff helped me to build resilience and ensured I had the support I needed when things became truly difficult.

Being a member of NFHC also enabled me to go out in the community and meet people. As a leader  in the Corps’ Service Project Committee, it was my duty to reach out to the community in order to connect NFHC members with fulfilling service learning experiences. This enabled me to network within the community and learn about resources offered for Jacksonville residents. While living in Jacksonville, I have also honed my practice of ‘me time.’ In the past, I found myself constantly busy, which resulted in not having enough time to reflect and find new hobbies to enrich and enjoy myself. This year, in my free time, I have enjoyed working out and learning to play the guitar. Engaging in healthy and mind-expanding activities like these also preoccupied me to help me through my rough spot.

During my time with NFHC, I not only received support, but was also able to give support through my service. From providing free medications to uninsured patients at a homeless shelter to volunteering in the emergency department, my service was a teaching and learning experience that integrated meaningful community service with my professional goals for the future. Moving alone to a new place is an experience like no other: part terrifying, part exhilarating. All of my experiences while living and serving in Jacksonville have allowed me to build a sense of “Esprit De Corps,” which has helped me to be motivated, enthused, engaged, and committed to my service term.








This blog post was written by 2014-2015 NHC member, Cydni Martin.

Cydni served her term at I.M. Sulzbacher Center as a Patient Advocate.

Host Site

611 E Adams St, Jacksonville, FL 32202
611 E Adams St, Jacksonville, FL 32202