What I Will Take Away from NHC Philly

Posted on: July 1, 2016Philadelphia

Coming into my service term with NHC Philly, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Overall it has been an amazing experience that exceeded any expectations I did have. This was especially true in terms of member trainings, group service projects, skills developed, and relationships formed. 

There is something so special about serving alongside a group of 25 like-minded individuals, who hold similar values, hopes, and career paths. Though we have all come from different backgrounds, we share a desire to serve and better the community around us. I have learned so much from my fellow Corps members and appreciate the unique perspectives that each of them has brought to our group. They have been a support system in every aspect of this year -- living on a stipend, serving in a sometimes chaotic and disorganized city-run health center, and transitioning out of college -- and I am so grateful to have had them there. 

This experience has been an instrumental first year out of college and there are so many skills that I will be able to take with me into my future career.

I learned very generally what it’s like to work in an office setting and have acquired skills that come along with that, including professionalism, good organization, and effective communication with coworkers and authority figures. I have used and strengthened critical thinking skills and have developed the ability to make decisions based on my best judgment when uncertainty exists. Working with patients everyday and learning how to approach patient interactions from a  trauma-informed perspective will be invaluable when going into the public health field. Though it was difficult at times, I recognize the value of being exposed to the systemic problems and barriers that low-income populations must deal with on a daily basis. I will come away from this year with a more realistic perspective of what public health is.

I learned a lot about myself and how I operate in many different situations. I began to learn what I want in a career – about my interests and passions – as well as what I may not want.

Additionally, NHC has instilled in me the value of service. Though I’m sure I have taken it for granted at times, I have no doubt it is something that I will strive to make a part of my life beyond the term’s end.
Living in Philadelphia has been an adventure in and of itself. I never would have guessed that I would’ve moved here post college. I have come to love this city and it will be incredibly difficult to leave. Philly has so much to offer and it is an exciting time to be here, especially in the field of public health. I have loved getting a glimpse of all the work organizations and individuals are doing to advocate for the positive change they want to see occur.

This year spent in Philly, serving with NHC, is one I will treasure my entire life. It has opened my eyes and prepared me for whatever it is that may come next. I am immensely grateful to have been given this opportunity.

This blog post was written by NHC Philadelpha member Grace Marshall.
Grace serves as a Patient Advocate at Philadelphia Department of Public Health-Ambulatory Health Services: Health Center 10.