Constance MillerBack to Member List

Pictured is Constance Miller, a Program Assistant at Presbyterian Social Ministries

Member Name: Constance Miller 

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers                                                                              

NHC Program:  Public Health Leadership Corps

Host Site: Presbyterian Social Ministries

Position Title: Program Assistant


Where are you from?

I grew up in various states including New Jersey, Georgia, and Jacksonville, FL.  I have lived on the Northside of Jacksonville, FL for all of my adult life!

Why did you decide to join NHC?

I decided to join the National Health Corps to experience new avenues of service, post-retirement.


What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?

I hope to learn more about what's going on in the public health field currently and continue my service with outreach!


What are you most looking forward to during your service term? 

I am most looking forward to engaging more in community service. With this being my passion, I am excited to serve with my host site to continue to address clothing and food insecurities