The Birmingham Free Clinic (BFC) was founded in 1994 through the Program for Health Care to Underserved Populations (PHCUP) with the goal of placing free, compassionate health care services within the Pittsburgh community to provide a safety net of care for homeless, uninsured and medically indigent individuals. También ofrecemos servicios de atención médica gratuitos para niños y adultos sin seguro. 

All services are provided at no cost to any patient by a volunteer team of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, physical therapists, health professional students, AmeriCorps National Service Members, and other healthcare providers.

We offer quality medical, pharmaceutical, and specialty care services to uninsured and medically underserved individuals at the Birmingham Free Clinic, with support from our volunteers, the Salvation Army, generous donations, and the Division of Internal Medicine at UPMC.

The mission of the Program for Health Care to Underserved Populations is to facilitate, provide, and improve access to high-quality care for those in need, through community partnerships, volunteerism, service learning, and advocacy.

The Program for Health Care to Underserved Populations envisions a community where every individual has access to high-quality, compassionate health care.